If a man doesn’t respect his mother thus they can’t appreciate their wife
If a man can’t teach his sisters thus they can’t protect their wife
If a man doesn't care about his family, why bother building a family with that guy?
If a man doesn’t respect his mother thus they can’t appreciate their wife
If a man can’t teach his sisters thus they can’t protect their wife
If a man doesn't care about his family, why bother building a family with that guy?
Posted by GirL at 18:31 0 comments
Posted by GirL at 17:34 0 comments
Posted by GirL at 12:13 0 comments
Posted by GirL at 15:32 0 comments
Posted by GirL at 11:54 0 comments
Posted by GirL at 17:09 0 comments
Posted by GirL at 14:09 0 comments
Do you have any weaknesses? I do and one of my biggest weakness will be CONFRONTING, awu seriously I'm not good in that. My reason is simple, i tend to think the consequences. Things will never be the same again. I wouldn't mind telling people why i hate them or anything but to think about it who's perfect. If that how the person roll in, then just go with the flow. It's hard to predict people's thought, sometimes you think they're positive but in some situation they're being negative. Seriously, ask yourself...*asking myself* ,'D
I'm not the type that just accuse people, point their shoulder, ask the person what his/her problem and show how strong and stupid I am at same time HAHAHA typical poklens kn. I would love to do that to people but a little mind inside says "kuat th ko 2??" then a tiny voice saying "apath ko buat lapas a2?bCeta rh org ko berani lh" follow by "Eh biarkn sja bh, nda jua ku dpt apa2. mun sdh ulahnya catu". So ended "Let it be, think before you do anything".
Sometimes you're just so mad and making bad decision, a really bad ones till it left a depth invisible scar. For me my solution I just sleep over it, take time to relax and think on both parties' situation. People might forget what to says to them, people might forget what you did to them but people cannot forget how you make them feel.
i haven't learn a lot but experiences teaches me - It teaches me to think before i do any action or to say anything. It teaches me, if i can't remember any words i say then think before saying it or just shut up. It teaches me, everything i says and do will be use against me in future. It teaches me to think both parties situation. It teaches me to be at the person's shoes. It's teaches me to control my emotion, my sarcastic, my language etc. Most of all it teaches me to THINK~
Yup, M ended up saying it on the Social Network. But I'm not pointing finger to specific person cause I don't want people labeling them as what i said nor labeling myself as whinning junkie. At one point I'm just so tired to carry it with me, if I'm updating on my social network, it could be the past, present or future. I even update my 2years ago complains just to let it out and wanting the relieve feeling.
This is what I am, I eat the whining and once M full whether m gonna puke or poo-poo it out. If i still love and like u and still wanting you in my life, i'll puke it on social networks. If i don't want to keep you and hating you so much i'll poo-poo on your face. How's that? Can you play that easy games and ignore my shits??
Do you ever feel some of the social network updates like it posting about you?? But sure it's not for you since you don't really know that someone. Well, for me if aku terasa then I understand. My VBMH will say "OMG~ Nah yatah sdh ulah mu 2. so it's up to you kn berubah or let it be like that and let people hate you" ahahaha i love talking to myself LOL
Posted by GirL at 09:19 0 comments
Posted by GirL at 15:03 0 comments
You wanted to advice people but you're not good enough. But who's the right person to give advices? The person that never have the experiences of it? The person that full of experiences? The person that prayers a lot and never make mistakes? The person that did the bad things?
The real question - does the person you're advising, understand what the hell you're talking about? HAHAHAHA What's the point of saying it out loud if he/she don't bothered? Yess??
I have an issued sister, I'm not being proud of letting this out on my blog. Some will know my sister some not. I'm not asking you to judge but understand the situation.
On our view;
She sneak out late night and making troubles. She doing forbidden stuff and got influences from bad side. What does she really want? Ask me, she was given all the stuff that she want except going out. Why?? Because you're still a little girl.
On her view;
I don't have freedom? I want to enjoy and go out with friends. I want to feel new thing and I'm curious about the world. I feel stress at home for doing nothing. Bla Bla Bla
Where did we go wrong? Less attention? Overlooked? Couldn't bother much? She's much easier to teach since others (6) have grown up? Do we underestimate her? Do we expose bad influences so much to her?
Every time I'm trying to advice her it coming back to me. What did I do during I'm at her age? How can I control my wants and needs? M not that intelligent as well then why push her? Still until now, Me myself not a good example to show to her. If i shout to her will she listen? Does this skins of mine will teach her a lessons? Never...I tried~. Would it be easy for you sis to do everything all our parent wants and needs and once you're grown up, or working then you compensate all your wants n needs. Fyi, compensate mcm mByar blik lh ahaha simple english 2...
Posted by GirL at 11:57 1 comments
It's already February 2010...Did i miss something last January *think think think* I don't know~ I have to keep myself discipline esp financially, but I'm still practicing it...Never to late for learning yet have to start practicing at the same time.
So January not really a bad start but towards the end of the month I had a major breakdown, Money + PMS = Total Disaster. But after that I felt much more better. Now I'm slowly breathing and keep in mind I should be stronger and yes, i did survive and still counting.
I bought air-conditioner for the living room. I'm pity my parent sometime they have to stay at my Granny's house, I'm not saying it's bad staying there. But we used to rent a house in Bandar so used to have all the convenience now it washed down the drain. I hope they'll be staying in my house instead, no worries mon&dad, i making an afford so you guys will comfortable there.
My next target will be the Astro. That supposed to be Feb's upgrade but then I bought air-conditioner plg, Well, it's ok lh much better, i guess. This year Me & Shyg Sab feel like we want to upgrade our house, slowly it will.
I got tonnes of idea on how to arrange my house but...nyehh i wish i have a magic wand to make it done ahahaha this hand so lazy to do so but very active when playing games ahhaha...Awu my new addiction - PATAPON2 ahah thanks to my cuzen - Ramizah,'p
Posted by GirL at 11:15 0 comments
Funny incident happened last night, tine Me & Lipsy went out. So after he pick his working stuff at home, we went to Hua Ho, Manggis. Since he wanted to survey clear wrap, and i need 2 buy something kn. So i told him i don't have any cash on my purse, then he said he got the money. FYI, there's no HSBC ATM d sna
So kmi browsing thru the store lh apa kn d bli kn, msuk kn items rh our trolley. Then all sudden we remembered kn check the clear wrapping, so when we asked 1 of the worker, he told us on 2nd or 3rd level lh. So we left out trolley sja d bwah kn. After searching the wrap segala, nth all sudden we checked his wallet. Tau apa??
His wallet was totally empty ahahaha panuh2 kn receipts bh sja ahahaha...Pacah jua ketawa kmi 2 so we went out using other door ahahaha...Tglkn our trolley jua lh...yg taloo nya kn, bSAmbui2 dh buah biabas ku..pun-sia2 ahahahahahha
Posted by GirL at 11:48 0 comments