Friday 26 September 2008


*Papz you so gonna love this one*
As usual my morning with Sabrina going to work ehehe...With traffic light all the way and car accident happened and she's our co-worker's gf *oowh wait was it yesterday or the day before...argh so confusing since everyday all the same same things happening* oooo..kayyyy... *skip2x*

So i parked my car @Metro parking, which we had to walk again to our office and take less than 2mins plg but walking using heels? *exactly...painful*... So we have to across this main street wah *just imagine cars everywhere from right and also left*.When we syok2 jalan *Sabrina infront lh* i felt like my feet stuck on the street's crack wah but i juz ignored sX what happened my heels wah kTinggalan and i continued walked; my left foot without heels *eehehhee i still giggles till now*...As i mentioned earlier cars EVERYWHERE...GILA bnrrrr...

Then i shouted to Sabrina lh psal she already across the street, when she heard she looks evrywhere tought she accidentially tGugur brg but she found out my heels stuck AND AND she walked away*i don't blame u but if i'm in your place i would do the same hahhaa nda jua dpt d helep*...Guess what all cars stopped and jammed because of me..Sudah i wanted to took my heel, nda g dpt d tarik pkai kaki tue mesti th jua tunggak2 tgh jln mBil my heel and bonus i'm using SKIRT *awu wah nda rugged kn 2...i knowww*

So all the way to our office...Me and Sabrina ketawa2 sja wah...And i'm so sucked up ahahaha...Rasa kn di buang sja my heels ke Kampong Ayerrrrr~ pakal sja ku syg bh heels aa...and now me left heels damage so need to send again suruh usai *sigh...nda pedah2*

Friday 19 September 2008

SunGKai & BoWLinG WiV dCrowD

LipSy & aLeN


Feat N.J, HuM'Dee & aZeeM

SweeTy FeaZ && MuMMy SaBriNa

aLeN & aZeeM

the So-CaLLeD FaMiLy....*pRaSaN 2 dMaX*

i ToT HuM NoT d8 TaLL BUT DiZ Pic pRoVes He's TaLL *DuLL*

My sHaYg_SaB...WiFeY Me LiKey

Sweet SmoocH #1
LaViNa & Bg.HaiReL

FaMiLy sMoocH #2
LiL FaMiLy - SaBRiNa WiV Bby.FaRisH & SePoL

LoVeLy sMoccH #3
HuM'Dee & FiNa

HoT PoSe
LaViNia & aZeeM
CoCa CoLa MoDeL *winK*

BowL...BowL...LinG TyMMMM ehehe

Sory it took a long time for me to update our blog and update the outdated pictures ehehe...On 10th Sept 2008 we had sungkai at Manjaro *syok wah style sungkainya, dishes were served @ our tables and keep coming if we ordered. We only need to take Rice / Noodles, drinks and fruits which kna sediakan lh 2 aa on buffet tables* Then everybody have stories to tell, lauging out loud *mcm pcah sja ni wahhh*, ada yg bGauk esp aZeem *bila jua nda kn*, the guys keep on feeding Bby.Farish sampai kSadakan *Dun leave bby wiv a Men - Warning*. So...While waiting the guys make decision kn main pool or bowling, so d ladies went for window shopping @Vincci and also babies' stuff *evetho nada window bJual sna hikhikhik*...

Lastly we went bowling cia @Utama ehehe for some of us, it our first time ehehehe so we lyk yeahhhhh main bowling...tapi ku nda pandai mainnnnnn *ada heart kn us*...But ok also lh main bowling aa and turn up it's was fun ehehe knowing the crowds fun to d maxxxxx *i know...ahaha bangga diri coz kami jua 2 ahaha*

...If You LOVE Someone...

...If You LOVE Someone...

If you love some one because you think that he or she is really gorgeous...

then it's not love... It's ~ Infatuation ~

If you love some one because you think that you shouldn't leave him because others think that you shouldn't ...

then it's not love.. it's ~ Compromise ~

If you love some one because you think that you cannot live with out his touch ....
then it's not love .. it's ~Lust~

If you love some one because you have been kissed by him...

then it's not love.. it's ~ Inferiority Complex~

If you love some one because you cannot leave him thinking that it would hurt his feelings ...
then it's not love .. It's ~Charity~

If you love some one because you share every thing with him...

then it's not love... it's ~Friendship~


If you feel the pain of the other person more than him even when he is stable and you cry for him ...that's

if you get attracted to there people but stay with him without any regrets...that's

If you let him go knowing that he has to go but he doesn't want to ...that's


Wednesday 10 September 2008

aCCiDeNTiaLLy MeT @McD

dLaDieS NaNa-aMaL-aLeN


aLeN && DeaN

HuM'Dee && aLeN

It was Ladies Nyt Out, the three of us (top pictures) then when we had our dinner; Lipsy and Dean on their way to McD after they ate @Mall FoodCourt just to met up...

While having our dinner, Hum'Dee && N'J also had their dinner @McD *but sory N'J nda smpt took pic with you ehehe ia sibuk mamam* so accidentially we guys met up there...

Tuesday 9 September 2008

Left...Top...Right Mirrors

I always receive comments about my driving especially speeding but for me only when i'm late heheh...I admit i drive reckless if there something playing inside my head yet not that often...till today..

What happened when i drove to work with Sabrina, there a car ahead us drives so slow *brabez!!!*because he was on phone plus he's on the wrong side of the road-right side. So i took over to the left and i only see my top mirror; mCheck cars...BUT... i forgot to sees my side mirror instead i juz took ovr the car then we heard horned...quite long also lh *malu*...Me and Sab non-stop talking *sounds ketakutan*...Luckily I've signal to left and nothing bad happened

So buang case i just drove faster sX ada traffic light ahead us, the light turned RED and it happen to be 3land...*kabak2 brabez*...We stop and both; right and left cars assemble ngam before the line execpt for my car in the middle, far away from the line *LOL*. The car that horned us were 2guys and the driver pretend to coming out from the car *dlm hati abez mBca2* ehehe...

Luckily both guys ketawa2 ja so Me and Sab relief lh ckit *fuhhh~* Straight ahead ada another traffic light and again turned RED...but this time the car turned left to Jalan Jublie x ehehe..They sampat horned @ us again ehehe but this time Friendly horn ehehe