Thursday, 1 October 2009

Ladies Nyt Out

Never tought of combining my wives and bestfriend in one night one car aha till lastnight we guys went for beraya. Turn out to be awesome night for all of us. Bonding berabez eh my wives n bestfriend...aww sweettt ahaha

After The Wives done with make-up and everything then we fetched Amal at Tungku

In the car while waiting for Amal

Then we went straight to Dian's fren; so yeah kmi limpas rmhnya den we had to go far2 again for a bloody U-Turn haiissshhhh. In the car, don't story2 - berabez wah ketawa2 sja. Luckily Amal ikut a2 x jua sal awal a2 kmi semua ngantuk aa, ia sja jdi badut ahaha

The 'Badut'

1st house - Dian's fren; Rina @Jalan Kumbang Pasang. She cooked for us as requested by Dian ahahah sal kmi mkirkn spa ada openhouse ahahah nda malu aa eehheeh...The foods were good lah, kalau th bleh ku mkn lagi tpiii...tahan nafsu sja ehehe

With Rina - Dian's Fren

The Wives

2nd house - Ka.Wen @Kg. Madang but lupa kn take pictures there using John's camera. Then again, we've took some using Dian's camera sja. This time I requested she to cook ahahaha sukati kn, i knoww~ ahaha bt i know she's cook well yth ku mauuu~...Will upload pictures once Dian send us the pics

3rd house - Arip @Tanah Jambu. Sna lah yg best ahaha we had 2dinner then rh his house we had LOCAL FRUITS for dessert- for FREEEEE~ ehehe. Mula the rambuntans kna offered,then they asked f we want durians. W/out hesitation yaww kmi tarus cakap 'yess' (FYI,me and Sab),kna bukakn Durian Putih and Durian Kuning which we corrected Dian, orange lh ahaha. His mom lagi tnya f we want Tarap, this time Amal nodded. Arip lagi offered Manggis, alum bh aku n Sab ckp 'nda pyah' ada tia suara sumbang a2 ckp 'BHH~', awu bh cAmal aa ahahah. Gilaaa eh we're pampered like a king with fruits ahahaha nyaman mkn kmi

Dian - Arip - Amal

Enjoying the fruits

Durian Orange LOL

Buah Tarap

Then, the photo session happened

Wives & Bestfriend

Alen - Sab - Dian - Amal

10sec to Mars session ehe




amalaawa said...

hahaha syok!!!! best!!